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In December 2017, after forty-seven years in ministry I retired from serving Grace Community Church in Allentown (where I had been for twenty-three years). This allows me to pursue additional writing and speaking opportunities. I would love to speak at your church or retreat.



For a further description of individual books, click on the links below. All books are available on Amazon, but you can purchase them from me, usually for less. Contact me at or 


The Beauty of God for a Broken World:

Reflections on the Goodness of the God of the Bible (2010)


You may be hostile to the God of the Bible. Maybe the church and its representatives have done you great harm. You may be overwhelmed by the suffering of the world and resentful of a God who claims to be in charge of the mess. Or you may be a dutiful Christian whose faith has become dry and stale. You are going through the motions, but your heart is not engaged. Do you have doubts and questions you hesitate to voice? In this book, I draw on insights from Jonathan Edwards's to explain God's attractiveness. I write for two kinds of readers: those who suspect God is unlovely, and those who want to love Him more. Whether you think of yourself as an ex-Christian, an interested, thoughtful outsider to the Christian faith or a struggling believer, The Beauty of God will challenge you to think and hope again.


Limping Christians:

Help for Those Who Hobble along the Path of Life (2014)

Hebrews 12 exhorts us to "run with endurance the race that is set before us," but that same chapter describes us as lame. How can a lame person run if the best he can do is limp? This book is designed to encourage believers when they are distressed and disappointed in themselves. They wonder how God could ever love and accept them when their faith is so small and their failings so large. Probably all of us fit into that category at times. Clear Bible exposition is coupled with striking parables that illustrate biblical principles.


Practical Bible Doctrine

How to Live out What You Believe (2017)

I have observed a lamentable tendency to divorce biblical doctrine from Christian practice. The major doctrines of the Bible are not dry, dusty subjects. They are intensely practical truths. Good doctrine is meant to be lived. You may have good doctrine in your head and live poorly, but you cannot live well without good doctrine in your heart. Practicing what we believe is the theme of this short book. Each chapter begins with a brief statement of a major Christian doctrine. Then relevant passages are provided and explained along with questions to enable the student to apply the doctrine to daily life.


The Earth Two Adventures

I wrote this fantasy series several years ago to read aloud to grade-school children. I was teaching them during our Wednesday Family Night program, so I read one chapter a week. Over the years, those children (even after they became adults) have urged me to have them printed. The stories (in four volumes) follow the adventures of three children who accidentally discover a doorway into Earth Two. Earth-Two is a parallel world created by God to preserve the Mother of all Languages that God gave to Adam and Eve. This language was intended to enable our first parents to rule the animals and subdue the earth, but like all good gifts this language can also be used for evil, as the children discover to their peril.


Imaginary Ideas of Christ:

A Scottish-American Debate

This is my PhD dissertation done under Dr. Samuel T. Logan, Jr. at Westminster Theological Seminary in 1985. It examines the controversy over mental images of Christ that erupted during the Great Awakening of the 1740s. The study explores mental idolatry and the appropriate use of vivid images in preaching—both essential topics for today. Key figures in the study include Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Erskine, and James Robe. Although the opening chapters are suitable for a general audience, the bulk of the book is written at a more academic level.



In His Own Words The Testimony of Jesus Regarding Himself

In 1966 my university professor claimed, “Jesus never said He was the Son of God.” Five decades later a young lady came to me with the same line from her professor. In between those two events, I earned a BA from Moody Bible Institute, an MA from Talbot Seminary, a PhD from Westminster Seminary, taught humanities for seven years, and served as pastor for four churches. None of that is necessary to show that her professor and mine were wrong. Any alert reader of the New Testament should be able to do it.


Religion professors are sometimes blinded by their own presuppositions, which go something like this: We don’t believe miracles are possible; we don’t believe Jesus was God; a first-century Jewish peasant would certainly not claim to be divine. Therefore, Jesus did not say He was the Son of God.


My contention in this book is that Jesus deserves to be heard in His own words. The early church did not invent the idea that Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus clearly taught it to those who had ears to hear.